September 27, 2024

MetaFlight Weekly News - Enhanced Maintenance

As every Monday, here’s your fresh dose of updates on MetaFlight. This week, we’ve got quite a few new features that will boost your flight experience. Get ready, it’s going to be epic! 🚀✨

Servers Always Online, Even During Maintenance!

At MetaFlight, we’re working hard to ensure your flights are never interrupted. We’re doubling our server instances to guarantee that even when Microsoft conducts updates or maintenance, MetaFlight remains available.
This feature will be ready very soon!

In the meantime, no worries: even in the event of a temporary outage, as long as MFLink is active, we can log your flight and minimize any interruptions.
Your progress is always in good hands!

Vote for the Next Connection Missions!

This week, embark on a journey to discover Canada with the connection missions, but for next week, it’s you who will decide the new region we’ll work on.
You can choose between:

  • Asia, for long and varied flights

  • South America, with its breathtaking landscapes

  • Indonesia, for technical landings on a fascinating archipelago
Vote now on our polls-vote channel and choose your next des

Airline Manager: Progressing, Slowly but Surely!

We know you're eagerly waiting for it, and it's coming soon! The development of Airline Manager has taken off! It’s a massive project, but we’re doing everything to make sure it meets your expectations. Just a little more patience, it's getting fine-tuned!

Moreover, this is one of the reasons why we're recruiting beta testers! We’ll need support to test this new feature!

That's it for this week! We're continuing to push back the boundaries and improve your experience with MetaFlight.

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